From desks, couches, parks, and rooftops around the world, EPIC people are coming together for our first virtual conference and global ethnographic jamboree… Join us!

The 15th anniversary of our annual conference explores the theme scale, and the event itself is an experiment in scale. Our experiences through screens will mashup our immediate worlds of work, home, family, and laundry with an international expanse of inspiration, learning, and connection.

To navigate these scales we’ve created a unique EPIC2020 geography and timescape. We introduce you to Pangaea, Regions, and Cohorts:

Pangaea: A Global Gathering Place

Pangaea is an hypothesized supercontinent, a convergence of the earth’s landmass perhaps 300 million years ago (Ancient Greek pan—all/entire/whole—and Gaia—Mother Earth). For EPIC2020, Pangaea is our virtual gathering place, an interactive hub for our conference community and program.

During October 19–25, around the clock, from your desk or hammock, you can access scheduled events and create your own paths in Pangaea. You can participate in sessions, build a profile representing yourself and your work, find other attendees, message and chat, initiate 1:1 or group video meetings, start discussions, visit exhibits, and get support.

Regions: Geelong, Parkes, Wodonga

Being global doesn’t mean attending sessions at 4:00 am…so our program is offered in three time-zone adjusted schedules. It is designed in blocks that offer our core program at times that are accessible for attendees globally, as well as foster interaction among different regions. (In case you are nocturnal, the entire 24/7 program is open to everyone!)

Our three regions have Australian place names that tell unique stories of scale. Find your region to learn more:

  • GEELONG: East & Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand
  • PARKES: South & North America
  • WODONGAAfrica, Europe, Middle East, West & South Asia

Cohorts: EPIC Traveling Companions

Your cohort is a smaller, facilitated group of EPIC travelers. They are a base of sustained connection and support. You’ll kick off the conference together, discuss and debrief, inspire and inform each other. The program committee will form cohorts based on time zone. Read more about Cohorts, networking, and social events.